IDEAS Configuration Checklists for Training

MellowoodMedical Online Help

IDEAS Configuration Checklists for Training

IDEAS EMR is an extremely flexible system - most options are configurable, and this property can be used to adapt IDEAS to fit with your existing workflows, and help to control them by defining specific options.

If your clinic is new to IDEAS, once the software is installed, Mellowood will be providing training, using a hybrid model of remote and onsite training.

Each department (administration, clinical and laboratory) will have nominated one (or more than one) Superuser who will be the key contact person for Mellowood, and will have responsibility for attending and managing IDEAS configuration for their department.

What is a SuperUser

There are many areas which will require configuration to your clinic’s requirements. The configuration can range from system settings (language, date format etc) to progress note templates, embryo scoring templates, and so on.

Most of the configuration can be performed  through File > System configuration. Please note that your installation of IDEAS will already have some configured items which have relevance to all fertility units, as well as your regional government reporting requirements, such as (BORN, HFEA, SART, BELRAP etc).


A major portion of IDEAS configuration home work will be reviewing the information which supplies the abundance of drop down menus throughout IDEAS, allowing you to personalise IDEAS and focus options/choices to suit the way your clinic works. They are populated from one location, ‘System Configuration’, or from within the various forms in which they are used. User rights are set to allow only nominated people, usually Superusers, to edit the lists.


Some areas of your IDEAS software will have some example template configuration for you to review, to assess their suitability to your workflow. We can help you edit these areas, or if required in some cases, create bespoke forms. If the latter, we will discuss with you if that bespoke work will be possible before your Go live date

Your IDEAS software will contain some examples of ;

·       Progress Notes (Medical Records)

·       Treatment Plans

·       Treatment Types (IVF, ICSI, Egg Donation, Frozen Embryo Transfer etc)

·       Drugs, Tests and procedures –

o    Common blood tests including hormonal, and virology screening.

o   Interpretations (blood tests)

o   Route of drug administration

o   Unit of measurement (blood tests)

o   Unit of measurement (treatment drugs)

·       Laboratory events (Egg Collection, Embryo Transfer etc)

·       Cycle Outcomes (Live birth, Biochemical pregnancy, Ectopic Pregnancy etc)

·       Clinic and patient reports


The following areas will also be pre-configured to suit your location;

o   Towns & Cities List

o   Countries List

o   Default language

o   Sex

o   Titles

o   Marital Status


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