MellowoodMedical Online Help
The following pages are on online source of help and information on how to use IDEAS EMR.
However we use these pages to guide clinics new to IDEAS, but they can also be used as an ongoing reference source This whole guide (or just sections) can be exported into a Word or pdf, and then downloaded onto your own desktop, by clicking the … in the top right corner. However they are regularly updated, therefore we strongly recommend you do not download pages but access them live.
Some sections of online help are related to configuration - Areas/items which are configurable, and allow IDEAS to be tailored to your clinic within IDEAS are accessible through ‘File > System Configuration’. We recommend that editing access to this area is restricted to Superusers. Configuration is mainly done when a clinic is new to IDEAS, but may also be reviewed as processes and workflows change with time.
This section of online help is different to the configuration section. It helps you in how to use IDEAS once it is configured for your clinic. If there are pre-requisites to being able to use a particular feature, we are working on naming those at the top of the page. There should also be a change history at the bottom for you to see any recent changes.
Mellowood have an ever expanding portfolio of Portals , Interfaces and External Connections to Core IDEAS
Sometimes using discrete areas of IDEAS is easy but working out how to join the bits of a patient journey together is more difficult and we are developing some tools to help you. Some are new and still in development so keep checking back!
Over the next while we are reviewing our training materials. Please bear with us as we make it easier for you to access IDEAS-EMR descriptive guides. Thank you!